
Piano Lessons Give Kids a Good Start in Life

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Piano Lessons Give Kids a Good Start in Life

Being able to play the piano is a great skill in itself, but there are many benefits to practicing music beyond just being able to play a few songs. Putting your kids in piano classes from a young age can help them gain confidence and valuable skills that will give them a headstart in life.

Why Kids Should Learn the Piano
There are many reasons to start a child in piano lessons early in life:

1. Piano lessons build focus

Children who practice playing the piano regularly learn how to pay attention to the piano and the music, and focus on one task at a time. This is a valuable skill that will help them in the future when they go to school since they will be accustomed to sitting and listening.

If your child takes music lessons, they will get positive feedback on the importance of focus and attention, since they will be able to "feel" for themselves how much better they do and hear how much better the music sounds when they are focused while playing. This means the lesson will stick better than it would if they were simply told to sit and be quiet by a school teacher.

2. Piano lessons increase confidence and self-esteem

It feels good to play a song for someone and have them sing along or clap. Kids who take part in piano recitals become more confident and learn to take pride in a job well done.

3. Music study improves cognitive and social skills

Reading music, playing a song, listening for feedback, and paying attention to the piano teacher can be a challenge, but it is one that your child will rise to. Learning to do all of those things helps to improve cognitive skills. Listening and processing information helps with social skills such as active listening too.

4. Piano lessons improve coordination

Controlling both hands at the same time is a tricky skill even for some adults. Children who start learning the piano when they are young will have a headstart on fine motor skills, which could help them develop better handwriting. Any form of coordination practice is good for improving a child's mastery of their body and will help them with sports, crafts, writing, and other aspects of their schooling and hobbies.

5. Regular studying improves discipline

When your child starts learning to play the piano they will most likely want to learn new songs. To do this they will need to practice regularly. As they practice they will get better and get the "reward" of mastering those songs. This teaches them the value of regular practice, discipline, and careful study. It's one reason that children who take music lessons often do well in other parts of their schooling too.

Finding a Good Piano Teacher
So, you're sold on the value of piano lessons for kids. The next step is to find a good piano teacher. It can be tempting to just search for piano lessons for kids near me, but that might not find you the perfect teacher for your kids.

You'll probably find that there are a lot of people offering "music lessons near me", but do those teachers know how to motivate your child? Teaching piano for kids is a skill beyond simply teaching how to read music and push keys. Piano lessons for 3 year olds will need to be entertaining, engaging, and broken up into bite-sized chunks that the little ones will enjoy.

If you spend some time looking for the "best piano classes near me", you'll probably notice that there are a lot of teachers for older kids, but finding good teachers for beginners can be tricky. That's where we come in. We can give you a piano teacher that your kids will love, by bringing a skilled, fun, and friendly teacher to you, wherever you are.

Can You Afford a Good Piano Teacher?
Having looked online we bet you've noticed that it's tough to find "cheap piano lessons near me". When you're looking for piano lessons for kids near me, price is probably something that you will find yourself paying a lot of attention to. Skilled piano teachers know how to teach a child to play the piano in a way that will have them wanting to come back for lesson after lesson, and they can command high hourly fees because of that.

You want to give your child the best possible start in life, and that means a good teacher. We're here to give you exactly that with our carefully designed online piano lessons for kids. At Pianokids we believe that every child should have the chance to learn musical skills. That's why we offer the option for families to gift lessons to a child in need, and we have priced our program to be accessible to as many people as possible. We also offer tips and advice to help you, as a parent, teach your child how to play the piano. Even if you aren't a skilled musician, you can learn some basic concepts and offer guidance to your kids.

Working with your child as they master an instrument for the first time is a fun bonding experience. You'll get to see your child go from tentative pecking at keys to fluidly playing from memory and eventually even reading music. They'll see that you are proud of them, and that will help them develop a work ethic that they can apply to other parts of their life. Music is rewarding in so many ways!

Teaching Your Child to Play the Piano Online
Yes, the online Pianokids lessons will allow you to find piano classes for 4 year olds near me, no matter where you are in the country! Our carefully developed lessons, taught by an instructor with extensive experience in teaching kids how to play the piano, are structured to take a child with no musical experience and give them the tools and confidence to become a skilled pianist.

Learning how to play kids’ piano shouldn't be a dry or theoretical experience. Our program starts with simple skills and concepts so that kids can feel like they're learning something useful immediately. Each lesson builds on the classes' previous skills, and kids are rewarded with stickers and new music as they go, helping them to stay motivated.

The combination of stickers, calendars, coloring pens, and digital instruction helps keep kids entertained and engaged. The online piano kid’s classes are affordable and are easy for kids to do since they just have to block out a few minutes of time at home for practice. This means that they, and you, are more likely to stick to the classes.

Online piano classes can be worked around your family's schedule. Whether they play for a few minutes in the morning or before bed, or you get them practicing while you cook lunch during the day is up to you. Scheduled classes can be stressful for the whole family, but Pianokids is something that your little ones can do when they want to. We do recommend that you encourage them to practice several times a week, and setting aside some time for regular practice is important for building structure and discipline, but having the option of practicing more often or rescheduling a lesson without cancellation fees or hassle from a tutor is something that many families appreciate.

Regular Piano Practice Builds a Skill that Last a Lifetime
Do you remember trying to learn an instrument when you were a child? Did you ever miss classes because your parents couldn't take you to the teacher? Did you ever wish you didn't have to go because driving to and from the classes was boring?

Pianokids have the best online piano lessons and since the classes can be done on a full-sized piano or a keyboard, as long as there's a tablet PC or other internet-connected device nearby, there's no excuse for missing a session!

So, if you've been looking for piano lessons for kids near me and are wondering if it's worth signing your child up, why not give the program a go? For a fraction of the cost of a year's worth of piano classes at school or with a private tutor, you can get your child access to regularly updated, engaging online content that can get them off to a good start in their musical careers.

Introducing your child to the piano while they're still young will foster creativity, build focus, and plant the seeds of a love of music that could stay with them for the rest of their lives. Whether they stick to piano or move on to another instrument, the basic skills that they learn will still be useful, and they'll gain confidence that will help them when they go to preschool too.

Sign your child up for our online piano classes today, and give them a chance to make some great music!


Angela Grace
Written by

Angela Grace

Ms. Angela has been teaching piano to children for over 35 years. She, along with her daughter, Ms. Erin (the virtual piano teacher) strive to make learning piano easier for families through affordability and convenience.
